BiDiKo: Document `notify-reply` event when receiving system has become aware of reply
Business requirements
- Onlineservice operators require proof that a Fachverfahren has received knowledge of a Submission...
- order to protect agains false claims that the Fachverfahren has lost submissions
- Fachverfahrens operators require proof that an Onlineservice has received knowledge of a Reply...
- in order to protect agains false claims that the Onlineservice has lost replies
- We require proof that an Onlineservice has received knowledge of a Reply...
- order to protect agains false claims that FIT-Connect has lost the Reply and false claims that FIT-Connect did not inform the Onlineservice about the Reply
- We require proof that a Fachverfahren has received knowledge of a Submission...
- order to protect agains false claims that FIT-Connect has lost the Submission and false claims that FIT-Connect did not inform the Fachverfahren about the Submission
- All parties require proof over which mechanism (callback or polling) the recipient has received knowledge of the Submission/Reply in order to further debug the (false) claims.
Technical requirements
With the event notify-reply
, the zustelldienst
documents that the receiving system has become aware of the reply.
How this was done is documented with the entry notifyType
notifyType = polling
: When replies are retrieved or listed (only for the 1st call, since not every access should be logged) -
notifyType = callback
: When callback is triggered by thezustelldienst
. The implementation is equivalent tonotify-submission
of typecallback
event when callback succeeded after submitting a reply. -
of typepolling
event whenGET /replies
was called. -
Write max. one
event for every notify-type (polling|callback).
Durchführungsplan (von Entwickler:in bei Umsetzungsplanung auszufüllen)
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