Partieller Upload/Download großer Dateien
Zur Verbesserung der Robustheit von Dateiuploads soll ein Upload/Download von Dateien in Chunks ermöglicht werden.
RFC 7231 verbietet Content-Range-Header für PUT-Requests und schlägt stattdessen PATCH vor.
An origin server that allows PUT on a given target resource MUST send a 400 (Bad Request) response to a PUT request that contains a Content-Range header field (Section 4.2 of [RFC7233]), since the payload is likely to be partial content that has been mistakenly PUT as a full representation. Partial content updates are possible by targeting a separately identified resource with state that overlaps a portion of the larger resource, or by using a different method that has been specifically defined for partial updates (for example, the PATCH method defined in [RFC5789]). --