Client Module
Commandline Client
The sdk comes with a commandline client to be able to use the sdk without any coding.
Setup & Build
- Build project root wih
./mvnw clean package
- Go to client/target and find a runnable jar
- Provide config yaml:
- set environment variable
:- Linux/MacOS:
export FIT_CONNECT_CONFIG=path/to/config.yml
- Windows:
set FIT_CONNECT_CONFIG=C:\Path\To\config.yml
- Linux/MacOS:
- Initialize client via ApplicationConfigLoader:
var config = ApplicationConfigLoader.loadConfig("absolute/path/to/config.yml"); var senderClient = ClientFactory.senderClient(config);
- put
in same path as the .jar-file
- set environment variable
- run client with
java -jar client-VERSION.jar [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]
SEND Example
The send command submits a new submission to a destination. Apart from optional attachments, all options are mandatory.
java -jar client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar send
--attachments="C:/path/to/attachments/dummy1.pdf", "C:/path/to/attachments/dummy2.pdf"
Hint: copy example on one line for execution !
LIST Submissions Example
The list command lists all submissionIds for a given destinationID.
java -jar client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar list --destinationID=1b7d1a24-a6c8-4050-bb71-ae3749ec432f
GET Single Submission Example
The get command loads a submission by submissionId
and stores data and attachments in the given target location. If no target is
set, the cmd-client saves the data into in a folder named by the submissionId
within the working dir of the runnable
java -jar client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar get --submissionID=cc9b9b3c-d4b1-4ac7-a70b-e7ca76e88608 --target=Users/submissions/data
Batch Mode
To send multiple submission with a single command, the client can be used in batch mode:
java -jar client-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar batch --data=batch_data.csv
Currently, the import of CSV is supported. Follow the schema below, setting up your data:
destinationId, serviceName, leikaKey, data, dataType, attachments
1b7d1a24-a6c8-4050-bb71-ae3749ec432f, Test1, "urn:de:fim:leika:leistung:99400048079000", /path/to/data/data.json, "JSON", "path/to/attachment/report1.pdf, path/to/attachment/report2.pdf"
1b7d1a24-a6c8-4050-bb71-ae3749ec432d, Test2, "urn:de:fim:leika:leistung:99400048079000", /path/to/data/data2.xml, "XML", "path/to/attachment/report.pdf"
Windows paths: escape windows paths with
, e.g.C:\\path\\to\\file\\file.txt
Usage And Commands
Usage: <main class> [command] [command options]
send Send a submission
Usage: send [options]
Attachments as list of paths
Default: []
* --data
Path to JSON or XML data
* --dataType
Data mime type (JSON/XML), default JSON
Possible Values: [json, xml]
* --destinationId
Unique destination identifier in UUID format
* --leikaKey
The LeikaKey of the service type
* --serviceName
Name of the service type
list Lists available submissions
Usage: list [options]
* --destinationId
Unique destination identifier in UUID format
get Fetches one submission by id
Usage: get [options]
* --submissionId
Unique submission identifier in UUID format
Target folder where attachments and data is written to
batch Send a batch of configured submissions from a csv file
Usage: batch [options]
* --data
Path to submission data as csv
API Flow
The ClientFactory provides fluent API clients for both Sender and Subscriber.
As the flow chart below shows, the fluent client guides through all essential calls in order to hand in a correct submission as well as receive submissions on the subscriber side.
Api client flow for sending a submission
For the actual sender client those calls look like this:
Workflow | Java sample calls |
Api client flow for subscribing to a submission
Workflow | Java sample calls |