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API Module

The API-module contains interfaces and domain model value classes that provide the basic functionality to build a sdk-client.


  • api.config - sdk wide configuration and settings
  • api.domain - contains all model classes and domain related pojos
  • api.exceptions - all use case specific the services throw
  • - all services to authenticate, encrypt, validate and perform REST-requests

The service facade interface FitConnectService is a client centric wrapper around the underlying services for sender, subscriber and router client :

  • create a submission, announce attachments, encrypt and send the submission including metadata
  • validate metadata and data to send
  • poll status of submissions
  • receive replies
  • poll, receive and decrypt submissions and confirm their valid transmission
  • validate received metadata and data
  • poll status of submissions and replies
  • send replies for existing submissions within a case
  • find areas based on e.g. a zip code or city
  • find destinations based on leika key and area
  • validate routing information (destination key, destinationSignature, etc.)

Service Architecture

Apart from the ClientFactory the overall service architecture focuses on composition and has no inherited dependencies.


class CryptoService{
    + decryptString
    + decryptBytes 
    + encryptString
    + encryptBytes 

class SchemaProvider{
    + isAllowedSetSchema
    + isAllowedMetadataSchema
    + loadLatestSetSchema
    + loadMetadataSchema

class CaseService{
    + getEventLog
    + listCases
    + getCase
    + getAuthenticationTags
    + sendEvent
    + getStatus
    + getSubmissionSubmitState

class EventLogVerificationService {
    + validateEventLogs
class SubmissionService{
    + getDestination
    + announceSubmission
    + getSubmission
    + sendSubmission
    + pollAvailableSubmissions
    + uploadAttachment
    + getAttachment
class SecurityEventService{
    + createAcceptSubmissionEvent
    + createRejectSubmissionEvent
class MessageDigestService{
    + createHash
    + verify

class ReplyService{
    + announceReply
    + submitReply
    + getReply
    + getAvailableReplies
    + acceptReply
    + rejectReply
    + uploadAttachment
    + getAttachment

class KeyService{
    + getPublicEncryptionKey
    + getPublicSignatureKey
    + getPortalSignatureKey
    + getSubmissionServiceSignatureKey

class RoutingService{
    + getAreas
    + getRoutes

class RoutingVerificationService{
    + validateRouteDestinations

class ValidationService{
    + validatePublicKey
    + validateMetadataSchema
    + validateIntegrity

class OAuthService{
   + getCurrentToken

class FitConnectService {
    + validatePublicKey
    + validateMetadata
    + encryptBytes
    + encryptObject
    + createHash
    + createSubmission
    + uploadAttachment
    + validateJsonFormat
    + validateXmlFormat
    + getEventLog
    + gelatestEvent
    + getDestination
    + getEncryptionKeyForDestination
    + sendSubmission
    + decryptStringContent
    + pollAvailableSubmissions
    + getSubmission
    + fetchAttachment
    + getEventLog
    + validateMetadata
    + validateHashIntegrity
    + acceptSubmission
    + rejectSubmission
    + listCases
    + getCase
    + getReply
    + getAvailableReplies
    + uploadReplyAttachment
    + getReplyAttachment
    + submitReply
    + announceReply
    + acceptReply
    + rejectReply
    + getSubmitState

class ClientFactory {
ClientFactory  ..> SenderClient : Constructs
ClientFactory  ..> SubscriberClient : Constructs
ClientFactory  ..> RouterClient : Constructs

SenderClient ..> FitConnectService : Uses
SubscriberClient ..> FitConnectService : Uses
RouterClient ..> RoutingService : Uses
RouterClient ..> RoutingVerificationService : Uses

FitConnectService ..> ReplyService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> CryptoService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> CaseService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> SecurityEventService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> ValidationService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> SubmissionService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> KeyService : Uses
FitConnectService ..> ValidationService : Uses

KeyService ..> OAuthService : Uses
SubmissionService ..> OAuthService : Uses
ReplyService ..> OAuthService : Uses
CaseService ..> OAuthService : Uses

CaseService ..> EventLogVerificationService : Uses

RoutingVerificationService ..> KeyService : Uses
EventLogVerificationService ..> KeyService : Uses

CryptoService ..> MessageDigestService : Uses
ValidationService ..> MessageDigestService : Uses
ValidationService ..> SchemaProvider : Uses

EventLogVerificationService ..> ValidationService : Uses
RoutingVerificationService ..> ValidationService : Uses
SecurityEventService ..> ValidationService : Uses
KeyService ..> ValidationService : Uses

KeyService ..> SubmissionService : Uses