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API Module

The API-module contains interfaces and domain model value classes that provide the basic functionality to build an sdk-client.

The SDk is set up as a maven multi module to separate the (internal) API from implementation details

API Module

The api module consists of all domain model classes and (api-) public interfaces needed to build an sdk-client

Client Module

Factories and Helper to create Sender and Subscriber. It acts as the actual user client.

Impl Module

Interface implementations

Service Architecture


  class CryptoService{
    + decryptString
    + decryptBytes 
    + encryptString
    + encryptBytes 

   class CertificateValidator{
        + validatePublicKey

  class MetadataValidator{
    + validateMetadataSchema
    + validateMetadataHashValues

  class MetadataService{
    + createMetadata

  class OAuthService{
   + authenticate

  class Sender {
    + retrieveOAuthToken
    + validatePublicKey
    + encryptSubmissionData
    + encryptAttachment
    + MetadataService
    + createMetadata

   class Subscriber {
    + retrieveOAuthToken
    + decryptSubmissionData
    + decryptAttachment
    + validateMetadataSchema
    + validateMetadataHashValues
  class SubscriberClient{
  class SenderClient{
    class AbstractClient {
        SdkModule (Guice DI)

AbstractClient  <.. SenderClient : IsA
AbstractClient  <.. SubscriberClient : IsA

SenderClient ..> Sender : Uses
SubscriberClient ..> Subscriber : Uses

Sender ..> CertificateValidator : Uses

Sender ..> MetadataService : Uses
Sender ..> OAuthService : Uses
Sender ..> CryptoService : Uses

Subscriber ..> OAuthService : Uses
Subscriber ..> CryptoService : Uses
Subscriber ..> MetadataValidator : Uses