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About the FIT-Connect Java SDK

The Java SDK for FIT-Connect enables to build clients for senders and subscribers without directly interacting with any REST-Endpoints. It provides a simple fluent API that guides through the creation and sending of a submission, as well as receiving submissions as a subscriber.

For further information, check out the official docs: FIT-Connect Documentation as well as the:


Getting Started

How to set up the SDK project locally.

Build Dependencies

This section lists major frameworks/libraries used in the SDK.

  • Java 11 (LTS)
  • Maven 3.x
  • Junit 5

FIT-Connect dependencies:

Further 3rd party dependencies:

  • Nimbus-Jose JWT
  • Jackson FasterXMl
  • JCommander
  • Snakeyaml
  • OpenCSV
  • OkHttp


  • Java Runtime >= 11, check your current setup in your commandline
    java --version 

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Add FIT-Connect SDK to your build

To add a dependency on FIT-Connect using Maven, use the following:

  <version>[Latest Version]</version>

With [Latest Version] of the last stable build or snapshot.

If you use a snapshot version, please add the maven snapshot repo to your pom.


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See the projects' module documentation for more specific information:


The following steps show how to get the SDK running

  1. Create and account on the self-service portal

  2. Get your sender/subscriber API-key credentials

  3. Clone the sdk repo

    git clone
  4. Build the project with the included maven wrapper (no separate maven installation needed)

    ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
  5. Configure your config.yml (see template)

    • add Sender OAuth credentials from the self-service portal to SENDER section
    • add Subscriber OAuth credentials from the self-service portal to SUBSCRIBER section
    • add reference to private decryption key (JWK) to SUBSCRIBER section
    • add reference to private signature key (JWK) to SUBSCRIBER section
  6. Load a configuration via:

      final ApplicationConfig config = ApplicationConfigLoader.loadConfigFromPath(Path.of("path/to/config.yml"));
  7. Afterwards the config is used to initialize clients with the ClientFactory that offer clients for sender, subscriber and routing:

      final SenderClient senderClient = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config);
      final SubscriberClient subscriberClient = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config);
      final RouterClient routerClient = ClientFactory.getRouterClient(config);

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API Usage for Routing

The Router-Client allows to retrieve data about areas and services as well as their service destination. A typical workflow using the RouterClient and SenderClient would be:

  1. Find the areaId for an area via routing
  2. Find the destination for a leikaKey and an areaId via routing
  3. Submit a new submission to the destination using the SenderClient

Finding Areas

Areas can be searched with one or more search criteria:

final RouterClient routerClient = ClientFactory.getRouterClient(config);

final var citySearchCriterion = "Leip*";
final var zipCodeSearchCriterion = "04229";

// get first 5 area results
final List<Area> areas = routerClient.findAreas(List.of(citySearchCriterion, zipCodeSearchCriterion), 0, 5);"Found {} areas", areas.size());
for (final Area area : areas){"Area {} with id {} found", area.getName(), area.getId());

Finding Destinations

For searching a destination the DestinationSearch.Builder is used pass a search request to the routing client. The leikaKey is mandatory, as well as (max.) one other search criterion for the area/region, like one of:

  • areaId = identifier of an area that can be retrieved via findAreas(...) of the routing client
  • ARS = amtlicher Regionalschlüssel
  • AGS = amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel

Note: Both, the leikaKey service-identifier and the region keys ars/agscannot be retrieved via the routing client, but can be found here:

Find destination by service identifier and areaId

final RouterClient routerClient = ClientFactory.getRouterClient(config);

final DestinationSearch search = DestinationSearch.Builder()
        .withAreaId("48566") // areaId of "Leipzig"

// get first 3 route results
final List<Route> routes = routerClient.findDestinations(search);"Found {} routes for service identifier {}", routes.size(), leikaKey);
for (final Route route : routes){"Route {} with destinationId {} found", route.getName(), route.getDestinationId());

Find destination by service identifier and region key (ARS/AGS)