You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
### Build
To build the maven artifact, run: `mvn clean install`
The SDk is set up as a maven multi module to separate the (internal) API properly from implementation details
The api module consists of all domain model classes and (api-) public interfaces needed to build an sdk-client
#### Client Module
Factories and Helper to create Sender and Subscriber. It acts as the actual user client.
#### Impl Module
Interface implementations
### API Architecture
## Structure
+ decryptString
+ decryptBytes
class CertificateValidator{
+ validatePublicKey
class MetadataValidator{
+ validateMetadataSchema
+ validateMetadataHashValues
class Sender {
+ retrieveOAuthToken
+ validatePublicKey
+ encryptSubmissionData
+ encryptAttachment
+ MetadataService
+ createMetadata
class Subscriber {
+ retrieveOAuthToken
+ decryptSubmissionData
+ decryptAttachment
+ validateMetadataSchema
+ validateMetadataHashValues
FitCoClient ..> ClientFactory : Uses
ClientFactory ..> Sender : Creates
ClientFactory ..> Subscriber : Creates
Sender ..> MetadataService : Uses
Sender ..> OAuthService : Uses
Sender ..> CryptoService : Uses
Subscriber ..> OAuthService : Uses
Subscriber ..> CryptoService : Uses
Subscriber ..> MetadataValidator : Uses
### Self Service Portal (DEV)