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Update dotnet-azure-ad-identitymodel-extensions monorepo to v6.30.0 - autoclosed

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
Microsoft.IdentityModel.JsonWebTokens nuget minor 6.29.0 -> 6.30.0
Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens nuget minor 6.29.0 -> 6.30.0
System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt nuget minor 6.29.0 -> 6.30.0

Release Notes


v6.30.0: April release with new API and bug fixes (6.30.0)

Compare Source

Beginning in release 6.28.0 the library stopped throwing SecurityTokenUnableToValidateException. This version (6.30.0) marks the exception type as obsolete to make this change more discoverable. Not including it in the release notes explicitly for 6.28.0 was a mistake. This exception type will be removed completely in the next few months as the team moves towards a major version bump. More information on how to replace the usage going forward can be found here:

Indicate that a SecurityTokenDescriptor can create JWS or JWE Specify 'UTC' in log messages Fix order of log messages

Fixed issues with matching Jwt.Kid with a X509SecurityKey.x5t

Marked Exception that is no longer used as obsolete

Added support for AesGcm on .NET 6.0 or higher

First round of triming analysis preperation for AOT

Added new API on TokenHandler.ValidateTokenAsync(SecurityToken ...) implemented only on JsonWebTokenHandler.


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