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Update dependency NUnit.Analyzers to v3.6.1 - autoclosed

Ghost User requested to merge renovate/nunit.analyzers-3.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
NUnit.Analyzers nuget minor 3.5.0 -> 3.6.1

Release Notes


v3.6.1: NUnit Analyzers 3.6.1 (and 2.6.1) - March 10, 2023

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NUnit Analyzers 3.6.1 (and 2.6.1) - March 10, 2023

This release of the NUnit Analyzers contain a single bug fix and some updates of dependencies. The bug fix removes a false from NUnit1030 - "The type of parameter provided by the TestCaseSource does not match the type of the parameter in the Test method" - when using TestCaseParameters.

The release contains contributions from the following users (in alphabetical order):

Issues Resolved


  • #​523 False positive for NUnit1030 with TestCaseParameters bug

Tooling, Process, and Documentation

  • #​528 chore(deps): Bump NUnit3TestAdapter from 4.4.0 to 4.4.2
  • #​527 chore(deps): Bump NUnit3TestAdapter from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0
  • #​522 chore(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.4.1 to 17.5.0

v3.6.0: NUnit Analyzers 3.6 (and 2.6)

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NUnit Analyzers 3.6 (and 2.6) - February 21, 2023

This release of the NUnit Analyzers improves on the analysis of nullable reference types - in particular in case of null coalescing operator and tuple deconstruction assignments.

The release also adds two new diagnostics for the TestCaseSource attribute. The diagnostics examines the test data returned from the TestCaseSource:

  • NUnit1029 - The number of parameters provided by the TestCaseSource does not match the number of parameters in the Test method
  • NUnit1030 - The type of parameter provided by the TestCaseSource does not match the type of the parameter in the Test method

In addition, the release also contains some bug fixes to existing analyzers, and we have added a GitHub Actions workflow and status badge.

The release contains contributions from the following users (in alphabetical order):

The majority of the code contributions were provided by @​manfred-brands.

Issues Resolved

Features and Enhancements

  • #​503 DiagnosticsSuppressor doesn't suppress null coalescing operator
  • #​499 DiagnosticSuppressor doesn't detect tuple deconstruction assignments
  • #​442 Analyzer for TestCaseSource does not check Test method parameters


  • #​509 Giving TestCaseAttribute an explicit decimal for a parameter that is a decimal gives a Nunit 1001 error
  • #​496 NUnit2045 code-fix does not correctly lift asynchronous assertions into Assert.Multiple
  • #​475 Code Fix for NUnit2010 on Ref Structs Creates CS1503

Tooling, Process, and Documentation

  • #​519 chore: Update year to 2023
  • #​518 fix: Correct MSDN link on new pages
  • #​516 Replace link to ruleset docs
  • #​507 chore: Add Github Action build status badge
  • #​500 Fix path to global.json
  • #​497 chore(deps): Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.3.2 to 17.4.1
  • #​489 Add note about works with unity3d
  • #​487 chore(deps): Bump NUnit3TestAdapter from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0
  • #​486 chore: Bump version to 3.6 (2.6)
  • #​476 [add] GitHub Actions workflow for running test


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Ghost User

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