Reject submission event payload has a list of problems.
Follow-Up zu #1100 (closed) Now the payload of a reject submission event has the problems array in its payload, but we constructed all the information using String. We want to have problem Object which has fields such as type, title, detail, instance.Then problems array will contain problem objects.
Relevante Links und Bemerkungen message in opencode
The created reject-submission
must comply with the specification:
The event payload has a list of problem-objects -
Event payload is schema compliant, specifically the following issues are fixed: -
The problem type complies with the RegEx in the spec -> see also #1425 (closed) -
The property "details" is renamed to "detail" (without plural S) -
Only the documented properties are present -
The created event was checked with an schema validator against the schema (see comment )
Folgeaktivitäten (nach PO Review)
- vor Test-Deployment
Es wurde bewertet, ob darüber hinaus FIT-Connect-Nutzende per Mailverteiler informiert werden sollten. @Maik_Boettner
- nach Test-Deployment
Das OpenCoDE-Issue #48 wurde beantwortet. -
Das OpenCoDE-Issue #53 wurde beantwortet. -
Das OpenCoDE-Issue #60 wurde beantwortet .
Edited by Maik Böttner