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fix(deps): update dependency org.json:json to v20230227 - autoclosed

Ghost User requested to merge renovate/org.json-json-20230227.x into main

This MR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence
org.json:json 20180130 -> 20230227 age adoption passing confidence

Release Notes



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Merge Request Description
#​723 Protect JSONML from stack overflow exceptions caused by recursion
#​720 Limit the XML nesting depth for CVE-2022-45688
#​711 Revert pull 707 - interviewbit spam
#​704 Move javadoc comments above the interface definition to make it visible
#​703 Update for JSONObject(Map): Throws NPE if key is null
#​696 Update JSONPointerTest for NonDex compatibility
#​694 Pretty print XML
#​692 syntax highlight and indentation
#​691 Create unit tests for various number formats


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Merge Request Description
#​688 Update copyright to Public Domain
#​687 Fix a typo
#​685 JSONObject map type unit tests
#​684 Remove v7 build from pipeline
#​682 JSONString similarity


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Merge Request Description
#​660 Wrap StackOverflow with JSONException


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Merge Request Description
#​651 IdentityHashSet for JSONObject cycle detection
#​646 XMLParserConfiguration defined json arrays option
#​645 Handle circular references in Java beans
#​640 Unit tests for multiple backslashes in JSONPointer
#​637 Reorganized
#​634 Update README with Unix examples
#​631 Refactor JSONPointerTest
#​626 Add
#​622 Clean up
#​621 Clean up comments
#​617 JSONObject.similar() numeric compare bug fix
#​613 JsonObject.similar() number entry check bug fix
#​610 optJSONObject() add default value
#​607 Add policy page
#​606 Clean up comments, add suppressWarning annotation
#​604 Fixed incorrect cast getting float from array
#​601 Added for new users
#​594 fix max nesting level in javadoc


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Merge Request Description
#​575 Fix similar compare numbers
#​577 Added clear() methods to JSONObject and JSONArray
#​581 Use built-in Gradle shorthand notation for Maven Central repository
#​583 Checked the length of key for checker framework
#​588 JSONPointer should not process reverse solidus or double-quote chars in tokens


#​588 is a potentially breaking change to JSONPointer. Embedded double quote and backslash chars are now handled differently (they are basically ignored by the JSONPointer parser). If this causes problems to your project, post an issue on the JSON-Java GitHub page.


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Merge Request Description
#​515 Merge tests and pom and code
#​519 Gradle support
#​521 Updates Cookie class to be more generic in attribute parsing and emit
#​524 JSONArray does not have constructor to allocate the specified initial capacity
#​525 Unit test fixes
#​526 Comment out some broken unit tests
#​527 Fixes for Unit tests and supports GitHub Actions
#​529 Added putAll(Collection) and putAll(Array) methods
#​532 Verifies BigDecimal support does not have a regression
#​538 Explain local builds in the readme, fix a couple of typos
#​539 Bring Junit tests to Java 1.6 compatibility
#​540 Added type conversion support
#​542 Fix xml hex entity parse
#​543 Refactor XMLConfiguration to use Builder Pattern
#​549 Update
#​552 Updates for JSONArray.putAll methods
#​570 Readme - fix spelling and usage, per Grammarly


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Merge Request Description
#​502 Update JSONTokener text in README
#​499 Add copyright to some files
#​495 Refactor typos from code
#​494 Replace JSONObject constructor string arrays with var args
#​492 Clarify output of JSONArray toList()
#​486 Standardize some exception messages
#​485 Fix EOF error when Meta tag isn't closed at end of input.
#​483 Update to point to latest released jar
#​481 Clarify exception when parser reads JSON
#​475 Make private methods static where possible
#​474 Replaces an internally used inefficient StringBuffer class


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Merge Request Description
#​467 add configuration for xsi:nil="true" conversion to null
#​452 Adds check for EOF
#​440 Corrections to BigDecimal consistency
#​432 Update
#​421 add isEmpty and isNotEmpty methods
#​417 fix double ctor in JSONWriter
#​412 Initial implementation of XMLParserConfig object for flexible XML Parsing
#​407 Fix for invalid processing of trailing / for JSON Pointer
#​406 Adds annotations to customize field names during Bean serialization


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Merge Request | Description ---- | ---- #​405 | Update javadoc to match actual exceptions thrown. BREAKING CHANGE: JSONObject(Map) now throws an exception if any of a map keys are null. | #​403 | Ignore Intellij Idea project files #​400 | XML toJSONObject(Reader reader)


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This MR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

Edited by Ghost User

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