import { ServiceContent } from 'types/ServiceContent'
import fs from 'fs'
import path from 'path'
import { remark } from 'remark'
import html from 'remark-html'
import { ChildResource, LabelTag, StatusTag, Tag, TypeTag } from 'types/content/'
export default function loadAndPrepareMarkdown(selectedServiceName: string) {
const markdownFileContent: string = loadMarkdown(selectedServiceName)
const content: ServiceContent = prepareContentFromMarkdown(markdownFileContent, selectedServiceName)
return content
function loadMarkdown(selectedServiceName: string) {
const fullPath: string = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content', 'resources', `${selectedServiceName}`, `${selectedServiceName}.md`)
const markdownContent: string = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf8')
return markdownContent
function prepareContentFromMarkdown(markdownContent: string, selectedServiceName: string) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const [header, metadata, text] = markdownContent.split('---')
const content: ServiceContent = parseMetadata(metadata)
content.slug = selectedServiceName
content.text = parseTextToHTMLString(text)
return content
function parseTextToHTMLString(markdownText: string) {
const sanitizedMarkdownText: string = sanitizeMarkdownText(markdownText)
const processedContent = remark().use(html).processSync(sanitizedMarkdownText)
const htmlContent: string = processedContent.toString()
return htmlContent
function parseMetadata(metadata: string): ServiceContent {
const lines: string[] = metadata.split('\n')
const content: ServiceContent = new ServiceContent()
let parentKey: string = ''
lines.forEach((line: string) => {
if (line === '') {
if (line.endsWith(':')) {
// handels nested objects like contactInformation and developer
parentKey = line.slice(0, -1)
if (line.startsWith('shortDescription')) {
const [key, value] = convertLineIntoTuple(line)
content[key] = value
parentKey = key
// Current line is shortDescription text
if (parentKey === 'shortDescription' && startsWithTwoSpaces(line)) {
content.shortDescription = content.shortDescription + ' ' + line.trim()
// Convert line into tupel
const [key, value] = convertLineIntoTuple(line)
if (parentKey === 'childResources') {
if (key === '- name') {
content.childResources.push(new ChildResource({ name: value, slug: '' }))
content.childResources[content.childResources.length - 1].slug = value
if (parentKey === 'contactInformation' || parentKey === 'developer' || parentKey === 'logo') {
if (content[parentKey][key] === '') {
content[parentKey][key] = value
// check if contactInformation / developer are correctly assigned
if (content[parentKey].initialized) {
parentKey = ''
if (parentKey === 'tags') {
const tag: Tag | undefined = createTag(key, value)
if (tag) {
// Assign simple key value tuple
content[key] = value
function createTag(key: string, value: string) {
if (key.includes('type')) {
return new TypeTag(value)
} else if (key.includes('status')) {
return new StatusTag(value)
} else if (key.includes('label')) {
return new LabelTag(value)
function convertLineIntoTuple(lineString: string) {
const trimmedLine: string = lineString.trim()
const [key, value] = trimmedLine.split(/:(.*)/s)
const trimmedValue = value?.trim()
return [key, trimmedValue]
function startsWithTwoSpaces(stringToCheck: string) {
return /^\s{2}/.test(stringToCheck)
function sanitizeMarkdownText(markdownText: string) {
// trim whitespaces; replace line breaks with and remove multiple whitespaces
return markdownText.trim().replace(/ +(?= )/g, ' ')