FIT-Connect documentation
Local development
Setup development environment
- Install
npx patch-package
- Setup FJD npm repository:
echo @efast_public:registry= >> .npmrc
(see for detailed setup instructions)
yarn build
) statically made
Serves the last build ($ yarn
$ yarn start
Serves the current active dev environment
$ yarn
$ yarn serve
Serves the client with hot reloading
Triggers docusaurus start, see 'package.json'. Comfortably update text.
$ yarn
$ yarn run start
Production build
$ export DOCUSAURUS_BASE_URL="/fit-connect/"
$ yarn build
Creating graphs images using Mermaid
Embedding directly (preferred)
Graphs can be created using Mermaid.js. Using Mermaid is as simple as writing a code block:
# Participants
participant A as Alice
participant B as Bob
# Relations
A ->> B: Hi Bob!
B ->> A: Nice to meet you, Alice
Using Sometimes you will want to reuse graphs multiple times on different pages. To reduce duplicate graph desciptions you can store it in it's own files. Such a graph consists of two files checked into version control:
- A
file (source) - A
file (generated)
If there is really no other way, you may also use a .png
You can create the .svg
file using Mermaid:
- Go to Mermaid Live
- Select the LIGHT theme or set
"theme": "default"
in the Config tab on the left - Paste the content of the
file in the Code tab - Export under
Actions -> SVG
(bottom left)
Alternatively, you can also use the Mermaid CLI: Example (in Docker):
$ pwd
$ docker run --pull=always --rm -u `id -u`:`id -g` \
-v `pwd`:/data minlag/mermaid-cli \
-i static/images/status/status_destination.mermaid