[comment] -- Types of changes: - Added: for new features. - Changed: for changes in existing functionality. - Deprecated: for soon-to-be removed features. - Dependencies: for changed / updated dependencies. - Removed: for now removed features. - Fixed: for any bug fixes. - Security: in case of vulnerabilities. Don't forget to tag @ https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/submission-api/-/tags -- == Changelog: Submission API * The format is based on https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/[Keep a Changelog], and this project adheres to https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html[Semantic Versioning]. * If available, include a ticket number in format `(planning#XXXX)`. === Unreleased ==== Fixed * fix: only clients with CORS requests get CORS headers (planning#501)