title: JSON Web Key (JWK) type: object description: JSON Web Key - RFC 7517 additionalProperties: false required: - kty - key_ops - alg - x5c - kid - n - e properties: kty: type: string description: Key Type enum: - RSA key_ops: type: array description: Key Operations items: type: string enum: - verify - wrapKey alg: type: string description: Algorithm enum: - PS512 - RSA-OAEP-256 x5c: type: array description: X.509 Certificate Chain minItems: 1 items: type: string kid: type: string description: Key ID minLength: 8 maxLength: 64 n: type: string description: Modulus. The value 500 represents a key length of 3000 bits. minLength: 500 e: type: string description: Exponent enum: - AQAB