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<div align="center"><img src="https://www.fitko.de/fileadmin/_processed_/b/9/csm_FIT-Connect_3e8e926015.jpg" alt="Logo" width="50%" height="50%"> </div>

## About the FIT-Connect Java SDK

The Java SDk for FIT-Connect enables to build clients for senders and subscribers of the platform without directly interacting with any REST-Endpoints.
It provides a simple fluent API that guides through the creation and sending of a submission, as well of subscribing to handed in submissions as a subscriber.

For further information check out the official API docs: [FIT-Connect Documentation](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/) as well as the:

* Self-Service-Portal under https://portal.auth-dev.fit-connect.fitko.dev/
* Official Fit-Connect Project Page https://www.fitko.de/projektmanagement/fit-connect

### Build Dependencies

This section lists major frameworks/libraries used in the SDK.

* Java 11 (LTS)
* Maven 3.x
* Junit 5

Further 3rd party dependencies:

* Nimbus-Jose JWT
* Spring Web/HTTP
* Jackson FasterXMl
* JCommander
* Typesafe Config

## Getting Started

How to set up the SDK project locally.

### Prerequisites

* Java Runtime >= 11, check your current setup in your commandline
  java --version 

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### Modules

See the projects' module documentation for more specific information:

* [API Module ](api/README.md)
* [Core Module ](core/README.md)
* [Client Module ](client/README.md)
* [Open-API Module ](open-api/README.md)

### Setup

_The following steps show how to get the SDK running_

1. Create and [account](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/account) on the self service portal
2. Get your sender/subscriber API-key credentials
3. Clone the sdk repo
   git clone https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/sdk-java
4. Build the project
   mvn clean install
5. Enter your API keys and references to your private decryption key in `sdk.conf`

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### External Configuration

Configuration properties e.g. for REST-API urls and proxy settings can be found in the [HOCON](https://github.com/lightbend/config/blob/main/HOCON.md)
config ``sdk.conf`` within the root folder of the project.

In order to run the SDK client a configuration needs to be provided as file in the same path as the jar (e.g. when the commandline client is used) or via reference using the environment variable ``CONFIG_LOCATION`` (e.g. when the SDK i used programmatically).

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## Usage

#### Sending


List<File> attachments = ... // Load e.g from local file system
        .withServiceType("ServiceName", "leika:key:service")
        .withJsonData("{ caseSpecific: 'Data' }")

#### Subscribing


    var client = ClientFactory.subscriberClient();

    var submissions = client.getAvailableSubmissions(destinationId);
    var submissionId = ... // filter submission list for requested one ...      
    var submission = client.requestSubmission(submissionId)

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## Roadmap

- [ ] Add Routing features
- [ ] Add Callback handling

See the [open issues](https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/planning/-/boards?search=SDK) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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## Contact

[FIT-Connect Contact Page](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/contact/) for further information

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