##################################################################### # MANDATORY USER SETTINGS # # # # PLEASE FILL OUT PLACEHOLDERS ! # ##################################################################### # To create credentials for sender and subscriber please have a look at: # # Account registration: https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/get-started # Creating a subscriber: https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/receiving/destination # Self-Service-Portal (Test-Env): https://portal.auth-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev/login # OAuth-credentials for a sender senderConfig: clientId: "SenderClientID" clientSecret: "SenderSecret" # OAuth-credentials for a subscriber subscriberConfig: clientId: "SubscriberClientID" clientSecret: "SubscriberSecret" # Paths that references the available private decryption keys. # This property is an array since there might be multiple destinations # with different decryption keys assigned to the subscriber client privateDecryptionKeyPaths: ["path/to/decryption_key.json"] # Path that references the signing key file that signs SET-Events privateSigningKeyPath: "path/to/signing_key.json" # Name of the currently used environment (from environments config below) # Options are PROD | STAGE | TEST # also see https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/environments#betriebsumgebungen activeEnvironment: TEST # Existing Environments can be overwritten as well as new custom environments can be added as seen below: # # name: -- identifier that is referenced in 'activeEnvironment' # authBaseUrl: "URL" -- base URL for OAuth requests # routingBaseUrl: "URL" -- base URL for routing and area search requests # submissionBaseUrl: "URL" -- base URL for submission/destination requests # selfServicePortalBaseUrl: "URL" -- base URL for portal/public key requests # enableAutoReject: true | false -- automatically reject submission on receive if a validation failed # allowInsecurePublicKey: true | false -- allow insecure public keys that failed a validation for e.g. testing purposes # skipSubmissionDataValidation: true | false -- allow data validation against a given schema to be switched on/off # # also see: https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/apis/submission-api ##################################################################### # OPTIONAL SETTINGS # # # # Can be used if needed by uncommenting the shown properties # ##################################################################### # submissionDataSchemaPath: path to a directory of schemas new submission data will be validated with # httpProxyHost: "https//:proxy.your-service.domain" # httpProxyPort: 8080 # requestTimeoutInSeconds: 30