<br /> <div align="center"><img src="https://www.fitko.de/fileadmin/_processed_/b/9/csm_FIT-Connect_3e8e926015.jpg" alt="Logo" width="50%" height="50%"> </div> > $`\textcolor{#890000}{\text{THIS SDK IS IN DEVELOPMENT AND NOT READY FOR PRODUCTION USE YET!!!}}`$ <br/>  ## About the FIT-Connect Java SDK The Java SDK for FIT-Connect enables to build clients for senders and subscribers without directly interacting with any REST-Endpoints. It provides a simple fluent API that guides through the creation and sending of a submission, as well as receiving submissions as a subscriber. For further information, check out the official docs: [FIT-Connect Documentation](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/) as well as the: * [Self-Service-Portal (Testing Environment)](https://portal.auth-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev/) * [FITKO project website](https://www.fitko.de/projektmanagement/fit-connect) ## **Outline** [[_TOC_]] ## Getting Started How to set up the SDK project locally. ### Build Dependencies This section lists major frameworks/libraries used in the SDK. * Java 11 (LTS) * Maven 3.x * Junit 5 FIT-Connect dependencies: * [JWKValidator 1.5.0](https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/jwk-validator) Further 3rd party dependencies: * Nimbus-Jose JWT * Spring Web/HTTP * Jackson FasterXMl * JCommander * Snakeyaml * OpenCSV ### Prerequisites * Java Runtime >= 11, check your current setup in your commandline ```sh java --version ``` <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ### Add FIT-Connect SDK to your build To add a dependency on FIT-Connect using Maven, use the following: ```xml <dependency> <groupId>dev.fitko.fitconnect.sdk</groupId> <artifactId>client</artifactId> <version>[Latest Version]</version> </dependency> ``` With `[Latest Version]` of the last stable build or snapshot. If you use a snapshot version, please add the maven snapshot repo to your pom. ```xml <distributionManagement> <snapshotRepository> <id>ossrh</id> <url>https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots</url> </snapshotRepository> </distributionManagement> ``` <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ## Modules See the projects' module documentation for more specific information: * [API Module ](api/README.md) * [Core Module ](core/README.md) * [Client Module ](client/README.md) ## Setup _The following steps show how to get the SDK running_ 1. Create and [account](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/account) on the self-service portal 2. Get your sender/subscriber API-key credentials 3. Clone the sdk repo ```sh git clone https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/sdk-java ``` 4. Build the project with the included maven wrapper (no separate maven installation needed) ```sh ./mvnw clean install -DskipTests ``` 5. Configure your `config.yml` (see [template](/config.yml)) - add Sender OAuth credentials from the self-service portal to *SENDER* section - add Subscriber OAuth credentials from the self-service portal to *SUBSCRIBER* section - add reference to private decryption key (JWK) to *SUBSCRIBER* section - add reference to private signature key (JWK) to *SUBSCRIBER* section 6. Load a configuration via: ````java final ApplicationConfig config = ApplicationConfigLoader.loadConfigFromPath(Path.of("path/to/config.yml")); ```` 7. Afterwards the config is used to initialize clients with the `ClientFactory` that offer clients for sender, subscriber and routing: ````java final SenderClient senderClient = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config); // final SubscriberClient subscriberClient = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config); // final RoutingClient routingClient = ClientFactory.getRoutingClient(config); ```` <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ## API Usage for Routing The Routing-Client allows to retrieve data about areas and services as well as their service destination. A typical workflow using the `RoutingClient` and `SenderClient` would be: 1) Find the `areaId` for an area via routing 2) Find the destination for a `leikaKey` and an `areaId` via routing 3) Submit a new submission to the destination using the `SenderClient` ### Finding Areas Areas can be searched with one or more search criteria: ```java final RoutingClient routingClient = ClientFactory.getRoutingClient(config); final var citySearchCriterion = "Leip*"; final var zipCodeSearchCriterion = "04229"; // get first 5 area results final List<Area> areas = routingClient.findAreas(List.of(citySearchCriterion, zipCodeSearchCriterion), 0, 5); LOGGER.info("Found {} areas", areas.size()); for (final Area area : areas){ LOGGER.info("Area {} with id {} found", area.getName(), area.getId()); } ``` ### Finding Destinations For searching a destination the `DestinationSearch.Builder` is used pass a search request to the routing client. The `leikaKey` is mandatory, as well as (max.) one other search criterion for the area/region, like one of: - *areaId* = identifier of an area that can be retrieved via [findAreas(...)](#finding-areas) of the routing client - ARS = *amtlicher Regionalschlüssel* - AGS = *amtlicher Gemeindeschlüssel* __Note:__ Both, the `leikaKey` service-identifier and the region keys `ars/ags`cannot be retrieved via the routing client, but can be found here: - [https://fimportal.de/](https://fimportal.de/) catalog for finding leikaKey service identifier - [https://opengovtech.de/](https://opengovtech.de/ars/) for looking up regional keys #### Find destination by service identifier and *areaId* ```java final RoutingClient routingClient = ClientFactory.getRoutingClient(config); final DestinationSearch search = DestinationSearch.Builder() .withLeikaKey("99123456760610") .withAreaId("48566") // areaId of "Leipzig" .withLimit(3) .build(); // get first 3 route results final List<Route> routes = routingClient.findDestinations(search); LOGGER.info("Found {} routes for service identifier {}", routes.size(), leikaKey); for (final Route route : routes){ LOGGER.info("Route {} with destinationId {} found", route.getName(), route.getDestinationId()); } ``` #### Find destination by service identifier and region key (ARS/AGS) Besides the areaId another search criterion for the area/region can be used as well: ```java final RoutingClient routingClient = ClientFactory.getRoutingClient(config); final DestinationSearch search = DestinationSearch.Builder() .withLeikaKey("99123456760610") .withArs("147130000000") // example ars for "Leipzig" .withLimit(3) .build(); // get first 3 route results final List<Route> routes = routingClient.findDestinations(search); LOGGER.info("Found {} routes for service identifier {}", routes.size(), leikaKey); for (final Route route : routes){ LOGGER.info("Route {} with destinationId {} found", route.getName(), route.getDestinationId()); } ``` ## API Usage for Sender For sending submission and already encrypted submissions builder are provided to construct the necessary payload to be sent. Builders allow method chaining and guide through all necessary steps. The examples below expect a loaded configuration via the ApplicationConfigLoader. ### Hand in already encrypted submission (e.g. from frontend) If all data, metadata and attachments are encrypted outside the SDK the sender client allows to retrieve the public key for encryption as well as sending of already encrypted payloads. > For further information on how to implement end-2-end encryption please check the [FIT-Connect documentation](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/encryption). #### 1. Retrieve public encryption key: ```java final var destinationId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final String publicJwkAsJsonString = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config).getPublicKey(destinationId); ``` #### 2. Send encrypted data To send an encrypted submission the builder `SendableEncryptedSubmission.Builder` is needed to construct an `SendableEncryptedSubmission` object. The payload can be submitted as shown below via the `ClientFactory`. If optional attachments are added, the UUID needs to be provided for each attachment to be able to announce them before the submission is actually sent. This is necessary because the SDK does not have access to the already encrypted metadata that, which contains that information. ```java // The constructed client can be reused to send multiple submissions final SenderClient senderClient = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config); final SendableEncryptedSubmission encryptedSubmission = SendableEncryptedSubmission.Builder() .setDestination(UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14")) .setServiceType("urn:de:fim:leika:leistung:99400048079000", "Führerscheinummeldung") .setEncryptedMetadata("$encrpyt€ed metadata") .setEncryptedData("{$encrpyt€ed json}") .addEncryptedAttachment(new EncryptedAttachment(UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"), "$encrpyt€ed @tt@chment")) // optional .build(); final SentSubmission sentSubmission = senderClient.send(encryptedSubmission); ``` | **Important** | | ------------- | | If destination id (`destinationId`) and service type (`leikaKey`) are provided by a frontend component, they MUST NOT be blindly trusted. Instead, the sender's backend MUST check if sending submissions of this service type to the specified destination is allowed. | ### Hand in a new submission with unencrypted data If all data, metadata and attachments are encrypted in the sender using the SDK, the client automatically handles the encryption. Be aware that this example is not end-2-end encrypted, see [FIT-Connect documentation](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/encryption) for details. To send a submission the builder `SendableSubmission.Builder` is needed to construct a `SendableSubmission` object. The payload can be submitted as shown below via the `ClientFactory`. ```java // The constructed client can be reused to send multiple submissions final SenderClient senderClient = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config); final SendableSubmission sendableSubmission = SendableSubmission.Builder() .setDestination(UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14")) .setServiceType("urn:de:fim:leika:leistung:99400048079000", "Führerscheinummeldung") .setJsonData("{ \"foo\" : \"bar\"}", "https://schema.fitko.de/fim/s00000096_1.0.schema.json") // optional properties .addAttachment(Attachment.fromPath(Path.of("path/to/attachment.txt"), "text/plain")) .setReplyChannel(ReplyChannel.fromEmail("test@mail.org")) .build(); final SentSubmission sentSubmission = senderClient.send(sendableSubmission); ``` ### Read the Event-Log To read the event-log, destinationId and caseId are needed. ```java final var caseId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final var destinationId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final List<EventLogEntry> eventLog = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config).getEventLog(caseId, destinationId); for(EventLogEntry logEntry: eventLog) { LOGGER.info("Event: {}", logEntry.getEvent()); LOGGER.info("EventId: {}", logEntry.getEventId()); LOGGER.info("Issued at: {}", logEntry.getIssueTime()); LOGGER.info("Issuer: {}", logEntry.getIssuer()); LOGGER.info("CaseId: {}", logEntry.getCaseId()); LOGGER.info("SubmissionId: {}", logEntry.getSubmissionId()); LOGGER.info("Problems: {}", logEntry.getProblems()); } ``` The log contains the event, issuer and occurred problems like shown in the example output below: ````plaintext Event: https://schema.fitko.de/fit-connect/events/submit-submission EventId: 659bcbe7-fd53-4313-a1c3-192bccc95f94 Issued at: Thu Dec 15 10:23:51 CET 2022 Issuer: https://submission-api-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev CaseId: cb9a5a78-0ec6-492c-b652-0d7aa5e488b0 SubmissionId: 7502200b-f12d-4fc5-9669-ad3e3337396b Problems: [] ```` ### Read the latest status of a submission Instead of the entire log, the latest status for a submission can be retrieved as well. ```java final SentSubmission sentSubmission = ... // persisted sent submission by sender client final EventStatus submissionStatus = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config).getStatusForSubmission(sentSubmission); LOGGER.info("Current status for submission {} => {}", sentSubmission.getSubmissionId(), submissionStatus.getStatus()); ``` The example output shows the current state of the submission after being created, following the transitions in the diagram below: ````plaintext Current status for submission 43cf7163-5163-4bc8-865e-be96e271ecc3 => incomplete ```` <img src="https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/assets/images/status-ebe91122f32321e22f094882a66c1139.svg"> ### Validating callbacks When receiving callbacks from the FIT-Connect system, sender (and subscriber) of submissions have to check if the received data is valid to prevent unauthorized calls from messing with the business processes and user data. The values needed for this validation are transmitted within the received HTTP requests. FIT-Connect uses the HMAC mechanism to proof the validity of its calls. More details on how this method works can be found here: - https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/details/callbacks/#callback-validation - https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2104 The Java SDK provides a convenient method for validating callbacks, its usage could look like this: ```java final SenderClient senderClient = ClientFactory.getSenderClient(config); final ValidationResult validationResult = senderClient.validateCallback("hmac", 0L, "body", "secret"); if(validationResult.hasError()){ LOGGER.error(validationresult.getError().getMessage()); } ``` ## API Usage for Subscriber ### Retrieving submissions Submissions can be fetched by id or as a list of submissions for a specific case. #### List with pagination Limit and offset parameters allow to page through the result. ```java final var subscriberClient = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config); final int offset = 0; final int limit = 100; final var destinationId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final Set<SubmissionForPickup> firstOneHundredSubmissions = subscriberClient.getAvailableSubmissionsforDestination(destinationId), limit, offset); ``` #### List without pagination Listing available submissions without pagination pulls the first 500 entries. ```java final var subscriberClient = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config); final var destinationId= UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final Set<SubmissionForPickup> submissions = subscriberClient.getAvailableSubmissionsForDestination(destinationId); ``` #### Receive single submission ```java // by id final var submissionId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final ReceivedSubmission receivedSubmission = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config).requestSubmission(submissionId); ``` ```java // by object final SubmissionForPickup submissionForPickup = // code for sending submission; final ReceivedSubmission receivedSubmission = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config).requestSubmission(submissionForPickup); ``` Now, the received submission allows access to the decrypted data, attachments, metadata and ids ```java // access data final String data = receivedSubmission.getDataAsString(); final URI dataSchemaUri = receivedSubmission.getDataSchemaUri(); final String mimeType = receivedSubmission.getDataMimeType(); // access metadata final Metadata metadata = receivedSubmission.getSubmissionMetdata(); // access reply channel final ReplyChannel replyChannel = metadata.getReplyChannel(); // access attachments for(final Attachment attachment : receivedSubmission.getAttachments()){ final String originalFilename = attachment.getFilename(); final String attachmentMimeType = attachment.getMimeType(); // different formats to retrieve the attachment content final byte[] attachmentDataAsBytes = attachment.getDataAsBytes(); final String attachmentDataAsString = attachment.getDataAString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } // access further ids of submission final UUID caseId = receivedSubmission.getCaseId(); final UUID submissionId = receivedSubmission.getSubmissionId(); final UUID destinationId = receivedSubmission.getDestinationId(); ``` ### Sending events to the event-log In order to accept or reject a submission, the subscriber client can send events ([security-event-tokens](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8417.html)) to the event-log. For more details please see the documentation on [events](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/event-log/overview) and the creation of [set-events](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/event-log/set-creation). #### Accepting a submission If the functional review by the subscriber was positive, the submission can be accepted with an `accept-submission` event. For this event a list of optional problems can be sent, the submission is still accepted but with remarks. ```java final var submissionId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config) .requestSubmission(submissionId); .acceptSubmission(); // OR accept with an optional list of problems ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config) .requestSubmission(submissionId); .acceptSubmission(List.of(new MyCustomProblem())); ``` After the accept event was sent the submission transitions into the state `deleted` and is removed. #### Rejecting a submission If the functional or technical review by the subscriber was negative, e.g. there is a discrepancy within the semantics of the data, the submission can be rejected with an `reject-submission` event. The rejection takes a list of `dev.fitko.fitconnect.api.domain.model.event.problems.*` as parameter to specify the problem. See the Fit-Connect documentation for more details on [available (technical) problems](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/receiving/verification). ```java final var submissionId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config) .requestSubmission(submissionId); .rejectSubmission(List.of(new DataSchemaViolation())); ``` After the rejection event was sent the submission transitions into the state `deleted` and is removed. ### Read the Event-Log To read the event-log, destinationId and caseId are needed. ```java final var caseId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final var destinationId = UUID.fromString("d2d43892-9d9c-4630-980a-5af341179b14"); final List<EventLogEntry> eventLog = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config).getEventLog(caseId, destinationId); for(EventLogEntry logEntry: eventLog) { LOGGER.info("Event: {}", logEntry.getEvent()); LOGGER.info("EventId: {}", logEntry.getEventId()); LOGGER.info("Issued at: {}", logEntry.getIssueTime()); LOGGER.info("Issuer: {}", logEntry.getIssuer()); LOGGER.info("CaseId: {}", logEntry.getCaseId()); LOGGER.info("SubmissionId: {}", logEntry.getSubmissionId()); LOGGER.info("Problems: {}", logEntry.getProblems()); } ``` The log contains the event, issuer and occurred problems like shown in the example output below: ````plaintext Event: https://schema.fitko.de/fit-connect/events/create-submission EventId: 659bcbe7-fd53-4313-a1c3-192bccc95f94 Issued at: Thu Dec 15 10:23:51 CET 2022 Issuer: https://submission-api-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev CaseId: cb9a5a78-0ec6-492c-b652-0d7aa5e488b0 SubmissionId: 7502200b-f12d-4fc5-9669-ad3e3337396b Problems: [] ```` For more details please see the [event-log documentation](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/docs/getting-started/event-log/overview). <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ### Validating callbacks The validation of callbacks works similar to the sender side (see [Sender Callback Validation](#validating-callbacks)), but instead of the `SenderClient`, we use the `SubscriberClient`: ```java final SubscriberClient subscriberClient = ClientFactory.getSubscriberClient(config); final ValidationResult validationResult = subscriberClient.validateCallback("hmac", 0L, "body", "secret"); if(validationResult.hasError()){ LOGGER.error(validationresult.getError().getMessage()); } ``` ## Integration Tests Integration tests do not run per default with `mvn test`, but they can be executed with the maven profile `IntegrationTests` via `mvn -PIntegrationTests test`. They expect the following environment variables to be set in the rn configuration of the IDE or on the local terminal: * SENDER_CLIENT_ID * SENDER_CLIENT_SECRET * SUBSCRIBER_CLIENT_ID * SUBSCRIBER_CLIENT_SECRET * TEST_DESTINATION_ID Submit submissions are cleaned on every test run, please be aware that this might affect the present submissions on the destination that is configured. Currently, the tests are set up for the test-environment with: ``` var authBaseUrl = "https://auth-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev"; var routingBaseUrl = "https://routing-api-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev"; var selfServicePortalUrl = "https://portal.auth-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev"; var submissionBaseUrl = "https://submission-api-testing.fit-connect.fitko.dev"; ``` ## Roadmap - [ ] Add auto-reject on technical errors - [ ] Maven central release of 1.0.0-beta See the [open issues](https://git.fitko.de/fit-connect/planning/-/boards/44?search=SDK) for a full list of proposed features (and known issues). <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> <!-- CONTACT --> ## Contact [FIT-Connect Contact Page](https://docs.fitko.de/fit-connect/contact/) for further information <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p> ## License Source code is licensed under the [EUPL](https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/page/eupl-text-11-12). *Rechtlicher Hinweis: Dieses Software Development Kit (SDK) ist dazu bestimmt, die Anbindung einer Software an die FIT-Connect-Infrastruktur zu ermöglichen. Hierfür kann das SDK in die anzubindenden Software integriert werden. Erfolgt die Integration des SDK in unveränderter Form, liegt keine Bearbeitung im Sinne der EUPL bzw. des deutschen Urheberrechts vor. Die Art und Weise der Verlinkung des SDK führt insbesondere nicht zur Schaffung eines abgeleiteten Werkes. Die unveränderte Übernahme des SDK in eine anzubindende Software führt damit nicht dazu, dass die anzubindende Software unter den Bedingungen der EUPL zu lizenzieren ist. Für die Weitergabe des SDK selbst - in unveränderter oder bearbeiteter Form, als Quellcode oder ausführbares Programm - gelten die Lizenzbedingungen der EUPL in unveränderter Weise.* <p align="right">(<a href="#top">back to top</a>)</p>