# Federal Developer Portal (Förderales Entwicklungsportal) <img src="public/img/kabelmaennchen_construct.svg" style="width:100px;"/> The developer portal bundles developer resources (documentation, API specifications and code samples) about German government IT systems. The live version is available here: [https://docs.fitko.de](https://docs.fitko.de) ## How to build To build the developer portal locally [yarn package manager](https://yarnpkg.com/) is recommended. ### Preconditions To install yarn: ```sh npm install --global yarn ``` Before proceeding, double check if yarn is installed correctly: ```sh yarn --version ``` ### Development build For the federal developer portal running in dev mode run: ```sh yarn install yarn dev ``` By default, the server runs on [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) ### Deployable build Build a fully deployable export with: ```sh yarn install yarn export ``` The result is stored in a sub folder of project root called `out`. ## Continous Integration Every incomming commit triggers our gitlab pipeline. For details check the configuration in the YAML file: `ci/gitlab-ci.yml`. In order to ensure a high code quality, static code analysis are triggered before deployment. Licensing of the files works with a tool called Reuse. As soon as new files are added, the Reuse configuration(`.reuse/dep5`) must be extended accordingly. ## Licenses Source code is licensed under the [EUPL](LICENSES/EUPL-1.2.txt). Unless stated otherwise, the content of this website is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).